
Patient flow is increasing in hospitals, clinics, and private offices all across the globe, according to recent data. The necessity for hospital medical equipment maintenance and the provision of enhanced diagnostic facilities is increasing as a result of this trend. As a result, we’ve broken down some suggestions for you:

lab equipment Malaysia

Organize and manage maintenance

When administering a hospital, begin by recording all of the assets that are currently in stock so that maintenance tasks may be planned across all of them.

Identify the many kinds of hospital medical equipment based on their function and input them into an online management system.

As a result, each gadget has its own unique ID and can be traced down to the millisecond. Additionally, barcode labels should be used to record pertinent information about each item.

Automatic data input decreases the possibility of human mistake, allowing hospitals to maintain correct records at all times.

Divide inventory into several categories, such as imaging equipment, IT-integrated devices, or consumables like fluids and medications, to make the process easier. Choosing lab equipment Malaysia is essential here.

The Additional Choices

Additionally, your inventory must be as complete as possible. In addition to asset serial numbers, include information on alternative device availability, the frequency of failures, downtime and repair costs, and the cost of downtime and repairs.

When working with a strong medical equipment management system, it is much simpler to include custom fields.

In addition, it is critical to monitor the life cycle of each piece of equipment and to conduct a periodic audit to ensure that the equipment is in good working order and of high quality.

The Importance of Calibration in Medical Equipment

After being used, every item and gadget in a hospital is precisely calibrated when it is given; but, after a while, it becomes prone to wear and tear and may need technical repair in order to be properly calibrated.

Calibration shifts slightly out of alignment every time it is used, moved, or bumped, and this happens repeatedly.

Sensitive equipment that is not properly oriented might provide incorrect results. Some cases, this may imply the difference between an accurate diagnosis and a lost chance for early diagnosis in some instances.

In other situations, such as robot-assisted surgery, even minor calibration mistakes might result in severe injury or even death if the procedure is not done correctly.

When should medical equipment be calibrated and how frequently should it be done?

When it comes to answering this question, the answer is both easy and complicated at the same time: it depends.

Each piece of equipment has a unique set of requirements that are determined by the volume of usage that it receives. Therefore, it is strongly advised that you set a calibration plan for each piece of equipment in your organisation or company.

While this may seem to be a time-consuming operation, it is the most effective method of ensuring that all equipment is calibrated as required. When putting on a program for medical equipment calibration, keep the following things in mind:

Recommendations from the manufacturer

Nine out of 10 medical devices will come with a manufacturer’s advice on how often to calibrate the gadget in question. Calibration of pipettes is recommended by several manufacturers every 6 months or so, depending on how often they are used. While these suggestions are a fantastic place to start when determining the appropriate frequency, it is also crucial to consider additional considerations.